Observer Name: Izzy Imset (w/ Nina)
Observation Start Time: 11:40
Observation End Time: 12:45
Weather Conditions: Calm and sunny
Depth of Observations (indicate meters or feet): 10-15m
Water Visibility (high, medium, low): Medium 5m
Water Turbidity (high, medium, low): Medium (Plankton)
Water Current Direction: S to N
Water Current Speed (high, medium, low): Low (+undertow)
Water Temperature (indicate C or F): 15C
Notable Flora:
Notable Fauna: A number of baby cuttlefish and sea hares close to the shore, the latter appear to be mainly in mating chains. Large 'edible' crabs and one lobster sighting under the rocks between 10-12 metres. Occasional Pollock and plenty of sand eels over the sand beds. One dogfish (on video). This time no Plaice sighting. Of interest is the observable decline in the nudibranch population (colonies replaced by individuals 'hanging about') but a major increase in the population of predominantly brown-red sea hare. It does appear sea hare especially like where the undertow is strongest, clinging on to branches and weeds as they are 'tossed about'.
Other Observer Comments: Liter underwater in the form of spent fishing lines and lost hooks that have gathered together and much more on the shore line where the tide cuts in. Most of the liter on the beach was gathered in spots -- easier to collect if pickup could be organised.
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Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Logs by Date
- Chesil Beach Cove, 07/26/2012
- Chesil Beach Cove, 07/26/2012
- Chesil Beach Cove, 07/26/2012
- Chesil Beach Cove, 07/26/2012
- Chesil Beach Cove, 07/25/2012
- Chesil Beach Cove, 07/24/2012
- Chesil Beach Cove, 07/22/2012
- Dredger 07/22/2012
- Chesil Beach Cove, 07/21/2012
- Countess of Erne, 07/15/2012
- Dredger 07/08/2012