Observer Name: Christine Grosart
Observation Start Time:16:00
Observation End Time: N/A (Surface Observation)
Weather Conditions:Cloudy, warm, light breeze
Depth of Observations (indicate meters or feet): Surface - Chesil Cove
Water Visibility (high, medium, low): Low
Water Turbidity (high, medium, low): Medium
Water Current Direction: Non
Water Current Speed (high, medium, low): N/A
Water Temperature (indicate C or F): N/A
Notable Flora: N/A
Notable Fauna: N/A
Other Observer Comments: Visit to the Cove (Surface). 2/3rd of the way down the beach is a tideline of driftwood and an immense amount of litter. Anything from food wrappers to fishing debris, plastic and a broken diving fin! Photographs taken.
Visit the Project Baseline Portland Home or see the Project Photo Albums and Video Gallery for the logs below.
Logs by Placemark
- Chesil Beach Cove (33)
- Countess of Erne (15)
- Dredger (9)
- Ferry Bridge (1)
- Mulberry (1)
- Portland Harbour (1)
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Logs by Date
- Chesil Beach Cove, 07/26/2012
- Chesil Beach Cove, 07/26/2012
- Chesil Beach Cove, 07/26/2012
- Chesil Beach Cove, 07/26/2012
- Chesil Beach Cove, 07/25/2012
- Chesil Beach Cove, 07/24/2012
- Chesil Beach Cove, 07/22/2012
- Dredger 07/22/2012
- Chesil Beach Cove, 07/21/2012
- Countess of Erne, 07/15/2012
- Dredger 07/08/2012